Monday - Friday8:00am - 4:00pm
Offices1361 Corporate Square Blvd., Suite B, Slidell, LA 70458
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Our DWI (Driving While Intoxicated) laws are constantly changing. In Louisiana, both a 1st and 2nd offense DWI are misdemeanors, carrying a maximum punishment of 6 months in jail. Most offenders, however, receive probation. The additional terms of probation vary with the level of offense. A 1st offense DWI carries a fine of $300-$1000, a required court approved MADD (Mother’s Against Drunk Driving) class, a substance class, and 32 hours of community service, half of which must be litter abatement. All of these requirements increase on a 2nd offense, and a 3rd offense or higher is a felony. In some states, the 2nd offense is a felony, and your 1st offense in Louisiana could potentially be used against you in another state, and vice versa. A prior conviction (even from another state) can be used against you for 10 years, not including any time you spent on probation, in jail, or awaiting trial.

It is important to hire an attorney who had significant experience in DWI defense, and who can protect your record and ensure your rights are upheld.


Our firm has handled hundred of criminal cases of various kinds. Most jurisdictions have pretrial intervention programs (diversion), or offer some sort of alternative to serving jail time. Don’t find your self in the position where you are sitting in a court room on your day of trial waiting to meet your public defender for the first time. Hiring a private lawyer is well worth the investment in your freedom. Our firm is experienced in both felony jury trials and misdemeanor bench trials, as well as complex pretrial and post trial motions practice. Call today to schedule a free consultation for all criminal and expungement matters.


There are different types of expungements in Louisiana. A prior defendant can have their records destroyed in some rare cases, but more commonly they are removed from public view, still viewable to law enforcement if you have any further legal trouble in the future. It is important to know the ramifications to pleading guilty pursuant to Articles 894 or 893 prior to doing so. Give us a call to discuss your options.


Our firm handles probations revocations, modifications, and requests for early termination. Violation of the terms of your probation can result in your probation being revoked and you being ordered to serve your suspended sentence. However, there are often alternatives to revocation. Give us a call for a free consultation to see if we can help you.


Our multiple offender laws in Louisiana are very harsh, and give the District Attorney the power to put you in jail for a very long time. Once a convicted felon, the range of sentencing increases considerably for offenses which would otherwise have a shorter maximum sentence. If you are a convicted felon with new charges, you don’t want to go to court alone. Call our office for a free consultation and to discuss your case.
Tracey Powell
1361 Corporate Square Blvd., Suite B, Slidell, LA 70458
Contact Number
(985) 643-1711
Office Hours
Monday – Friday | 8:00am – 4:00pm
Powell Attorney
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